var loginMissing = 'It looks like you haven\'t entered all your details. Please enter all values to sign in!'; var validEmail = 'Please enter a valid email address'; var pwdLength = 'Your password should be at least 8 characters long'; var unmatchedPwds = 'Your new passwords don\'t match'; var pwdSpace = 'Your password cannot contain spaces'; var missingDetails = 'It looks like you haven\'t entered all your details. Please enter all values.'; var clearAll = 'This will clear your login and license information. Are you sure you want to continue?'; var clearLogin = 'This will clear your login information. Are you sure you want to continue'; var changePwd = 'Change Password'; var liteMode = 'You are using Connectify in LITE mode.'; var pwdChangeSuccess = 'Your password was changed successfully'; var close = 'Close';